Press Release

Tips and solutions to learn how to become a parent of grown-ups:

We can start by rejoicing in all the positive things to be developed within the family with older children: mutual aid, sharing of tasks, constructive discussions. We are also looking forward to full nights, the reappropriation of the house which will no longer be a giant playroom or an annex of a childcare store, the economy of many evenings of babysitting… Letting your little ones grow up presents in fine significant advantages mom blog.

Having a real discussion with our children to lay down together the rules of family life, which over time have certainly evolved. Something we may not have seen before. Respect for everyone’s privacy, the word given, new schedules, the help that can be expected from them are all things to be defined.

Understand and accept that negotiating with your child is not about losing, it is not an admission of weakness but a way of establishing a win/win contract between what you can accept and what you longed for.

When our baby becomes a preteen

And then one day, these little ones become big… We can see it all of a sudden, the thing falls on us without warning. The day when we realize that our babies are getting really big and that they are wearing size 36, it can be a slap in the face. They are becoming pre-teens, teenagers… Our children are asking us for more autonomy, they are sprouting up like mushrooms, have strong opinions on their looks, on their favorite playlists. Friends become the confidants of feelings that were previously reserved for us. They begin to evolve in groups, to stay up a little later in the evening, to wish to earn 3 cents, to have plans for the holidays… Without us! The thing escapes us for a moment. They have grown mom blog also guides you how to interact. And when it comes to our elders, how to notice it and how to adapt? What answers can be given to their desire for discovery and autonomy?

Little children, little worries

The adage “little children, little worries, big children, big worries” of our grandmothers is therefore very true. At certain pivotal times, we have to adapt, question our role as parents and our way of exercising it to best support our children. So that they are able, in the long term, to make the right decisions for themselves. We can also admit that from time to time, we hesitate and that we have to ask for advice. No manual teaches how to become parents, we are all self-taught, free to inform ourselves, to document ourselves, to consult a specialist or to do a training to find his approach, the best that is for our children. It also seems important to recognize, with our elders, that we learn with them to establish this framework and to sometimes apologize for our clumsiness. Everything is possible, the future is offered to them in all its greatness, let us be good and fair guides. And finally, let us rejoice in carrying out this mission of parents and educators entrusted to us. Isn’t it the most beautiful?

IPS, No PR, Wire



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