Press Release

First days with newborn baby at home: valuable tips

It’s finally time to go home with baby! A long-awaited step to start a new life in the family nest far from motherhood. Everything becomes more concrete, and the emotions jostle: excitement, joy, apprehension… The first days with baby at home, everyone will have to make their mark and find their rhythm in the heart of this extended family. If you are a mom for the first time, it’s also the big leap newborn blog have important information how to care your baby. with the desire to do the best and your head filled with many questions!

Respect their sleep cycle

The first few days at home, baby sleeps like a little marmot, on average 16 to 20 hours a day. If he is a heavy sleeper, he only sleeps for periods of 2 to 4 hours. For the good development of your child, it is important to respect his rhythm. Don’t wake him up, even to make him breastfeed or give him a bottle, he will let you know when it’s the right time. Newborn sleep is interspersed with restless phases. It may be surprising, but baby is sleeping, don’t wake him 😉

Caring for your newborn

Wash it following a few rules

If the bath can disturb the newborn at first, it will quickly become one of his favorite moments, rich in complicity with mum or dad. Newborns do not need to be bathed daily, two to three times a week is enough. To find out more, do not hesitate to consult our article to know everything about the baby bath . Frequency, temperature, steps to follow: you will find all our advice on newborn blog. Apart from the bath, the toilet must be daily. It will be necessary to clean his eyes, navel, nose, behind his ears and hands. For this, use care products suitable for the fragile skin of babies or physiological saline.

Change his diaper regularly

The first months at home, baby is a big consumer of diapers! It will need to be changed 6 to 10 times a day to avoid any risk of redness and irritation in the buttocks . To keep it dry, change it as soon as the diaper is dirty and at each meal (before or after depending on what is most practical for you). The cleaning is done from front to back by changing cotton or handkerchief at each pass to avoid soiling the genitals. You can clean his buttocks simply by using lukewarm water, oleo-limestone liniment or suitable wipes in the event of an outing. Then dry his skin by dabbing without rubbing. Remember to dry the folds of his skin well to avoid maceration.

Take some fresh air with baby

Back home, you can go out with baby from the first days. However, do not hesitate to listen to your body to know if you feel fit enough. If so, a little outing can do you and your little adventurer a lot of good! At first, baby gets tired very quickly, so favor short walks, 15 to 20 minutes. The ideal time to go out is after the meal, to have some time before the next one. Avoid places that are too noisy, which could exhaust your newborn. Large surfaces and public transport are also not recommended for the first few weeks. In addition to being restless, these places expose the child to viruses and bacteria. Avoid going out during the hottest hours in summer and cover it well in winter.

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