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Zeus in ancient mythology: the struggle for power

Zeus is the most famous of the gods in the myths of ancient Greece. The cult of his personality had an impact even beyond the borders of this state. 

The supreme god was not only the source of good, but also of evil. At his throne were 2 vessels with gifts that he sends to people. One vessel contains good for those people who follow his laws and honor him. The second vessel contains evil, which the god inflicts on people who have done wrong.

Up to our days have reached a lot of legends about this ambiguous person. The great Greek god is endowed with all human weaknesses, so his behavior is understandable for any person. Stories continue to excite the minds of people, telling about his exploits and mistakes, which he tried to correct.

Power Struggle

Zeus, according to legends, was the youngest son of the titans Rhea and Cronus. The latter believed that his son would overthrow his father, just as he had once taken the place of his ancestor. Therefore, Kronos decided to back up and swallowed his children after birth. Since they were immortal, they were in his womb. Rhea, his wife was against this, so. on the advice of her parents, when she gave birth to Zeus, switched the baby, giving the titan instead of him a stone wrapped in a blanket. Cronus was old and nearly blind, so he did not notice the substitution. Rhea then sent her son to the distant island of Crete so that his father would not know that he was alive. The goat Amalthea fed Zeus with milk, and when her horn broke from old age, the god of thunder and lightning made from it a horn of plenty. The skin of the dead nurse served him as a safe shield called Aegis.


Zeus grew up and decided to free his siblings from his father’s womb. This he succeeded with the help of a magic potion prepared by his wife Metida. To attract more allies to his side in the struggle for the throne, Zeus released his father’s brothers from prison, who gave him a powerful lightning weapon as a reward. As a result of the long war. Zeus succeeded in overthrowing Cronus as predicted. Zeus became the supreme god, and his brothers began to rule the underworld and the water element.

Zeus and the center of the Earth 

None other than Zeus was the creator of the poop of the Earth. This expression means the center of the universe. In Greek mythology, it refers to the stone that was kept in the Delphic temple. It was swallowed up by Cronus instead of Zeus. After overthrowing his cruel father and freeing his brothers and sisters, Zeus kept this stone, which had long ago saved his life. It was believed to be the only one that could defeat Zeus. 

This stone Zeus threw when he wanted to divide the world in two. He was sure that the Earth was flat and released two eagles from the west and east, which flew at the same speed towards each other. At the spot where they met, he threw this stone. In the ancient Greek city of Delphi on the slope of Mount Parnassus is the navel of the Earth.

Zeus and Prometheus

Known for his intelligence, Prometheus was one of the Titans, a race of deities. One day Zeus was angry at mortals for offering him animal bones wrapped in fat instead of meat. To punish them, Zeus took away their fire. Prometheus defied this order of Zeus and gave fire back to the humans. by hiding it in a giant fennel stalk. In this way, he promoted human progress and civilization. However, Zeus became furious when he learned of this theft. He chained Prometheus to a rock and ordered the sacred eagle to peck out his liver every day. But overnight the god’s liver was restored, and in the morning the eagle flew back to torment the titan again. A long time later, the son of Zeus freed Prometheus from this torture, but in the meantime…

Zeus and Pandora

Zeus learned that Prometheus decided to protect mankind from misfortunes, collected all misfortunes for people in one vessel and gave it to his brother Epimetheus for preservation, strictly instructing him not to allow anyone to approach the vessel and open it.

Then, to get access to this contents, Zeus has thought up one trick.

The Supreme god has ordered all other gods to create the beautiful woman before which Epimetheus could not resist. Hermes took her to the latter, but he refused to accept her as a gift. Zeus said that he had put his brother forever in chains and he had no one to apologize to. Epimetheus soon married Pandora. When Pandora saw Prometheus’ vessel or casket, she was curious to know what was in it. Epimetheus was also curious, but he held back his emotions.

Finally, the spouses could not stand it and Pandora opened the vessel, and all the evil of the world came out (labor, old age, work, etc.) Pandora immediately tried to close the box, but it was too late, almost all the contents had already come out. Only one hope remained at the bottom, which helps to overcome all troubles and troubles. Thus, in the box with troubles there was also a means of fighting against them.

The main god of Olympus Zeus represents greatness, wisdom, justice, parental care.


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