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What is the difference between PRP and Hair Transplant?

Hair loss is a prevalent issue both in men and women, regardless of age. However, the advancement in medical technology has given rise to many reliable and effective hair loss treatments that help people to enjoy denser and thicker hair while getting rid of hair loss problems.

PRP hair treatment and hair transplant are the most popular methods to address various hair loss and hair thinning concerns. is your ultimate destination if you want to get PRP hair treatment by experts to restore your beautiful hair. However, hair transplant can also be a good choice in many cases according to your hair loss condition.

Before deciding on one procedure, it is important to know essential details about them. Let’s discuss both the methods in detail.

Understanding PRP Hair Treatment

The PRP hair treatment is a non-surgical process that uses the body’s inherent restoring ability without requiring surgery. For PRP treatment, a small amount of blood is taken from your body by injection. After that, the blood is filtered to separate the platelet-rich plasma which is then injected to the area, usually scalp, that requires hair growth. Ultimately, the hair started to grow after the recommended PRP sessions. This process is highly suitable to target many hair loss issues including hair thinning, male pattern baldness, hair restoration etc.

Understanding Hair Transplant

Hair transplant is an old and reliable surgical process that uses healthy hair follicles from any part of the body and transfers it to the area that requires treatment, i.e., scalp. FUE (follicular unit extraction) and FUT (follicular unit transplantation) are the methods that are used to complete hair transplant.

PRP and Hair Transplant: What is the Difference?

While both PRP hair treatment and hair transplant aim to address hair loss, they target the issue from different angles. PRP therapy relies on the growth factors present in platelets to stimulate hair follicles, potentially promoting hair growth and improving hair quality. There are no surgical incisions made during this minimally invasive hair loss treatment.

On the other hand, hair follicles are physically moved during a hair transplant procedure from one part to another. Hair follicles must be carefully removed and placed during the surgical operation. The ability of the surgeon, the caliber of the donor’s hair, and the healing process are only a few of the variables that affect a hair transplant’s effectiveness.

You can further analyze the difference between these two hair growth treatments through the following aspects:


Hair transplant is a surgical procedure that involves incisions and a recovery period. It requires anesthesia and may leave scars, especially in the case of FUT.

PRP hair treatment is non-surgical, involving injections similar to getting shots. There’s little to no downtime, and no incisions or scars are involved.


Hair transplant results are considered permanent. Once transplanted follicles establish themselves, they are less susceptible to hair loss.

PRP results are longer-lasting than some non-invasive treatments, but maintenance sessions are usually needed to sustain the benefits.

Results and Timing:

Hair transplant offers more immediate and noticeable results, with newly transplanted hair starting to grow in a few months after the procedure.

PRP results are gradual and may require multiple sessions over several months to see significant improvement.


Due to the surgical nature of this process and the level of expertise required, hair transplants are typically more expensive.

PRP hair treatment is a desirable alternative for people looking for a less expensive solution because it is typically cheaper.


Hair transplants are advised for persons with moderate to advanced hair loss because they can significantly increase density and coverage.

PRP hair treatment is appropriate for people who are just starting to lose their hair or as an additional treatment to enhance the quality of their hair.

Hair Transplant and PRP: Who wins?

The choice between hair transplant and PRP hair treatment depends on your individual circumstances, goals, and preferences.

Choose Hair Transplant If:

  • You have moderate to advanced hair loss and are seeking a permanent solution.
  • You are comfortable with surgical procedures and are willing to invest in a more immediate transformation.

Choose PRP Hair Treatment If:

  • Your hair loss is modest to moderate, and you’re seeking for a non-surgical solution.
  • You have the patience to go through several sessions over time in order to see steady development.
  • You’re trying to find a less expensive choice.

The option that best suits your preferences, financial situation, and intended results will win out in the end. To get individualised guidance catered to your unique needs, speak with a skilled hair restoration specialist. They can give you more information about the advantages and disadvantages of each choice, assisting you in making the choice that best meets your needs.




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