Press Release

Top 5 Health Benefits of Using a Commercial Trampoline


Are you considering investing in a commercial trampoline for home use? If so, you may be curious about the health benefits of such a purchase. So, in this blog post, we’ll look at the top five benefits of using a commercial trampoline for your physical and mental health.

Table of contents

Aids in weight loss

Increases cardiovascular health

Lowers blood pressure

Reduces anxiety and depression

Improves coordination and balance

Bottom line

Aids in weight loss

First and foremost, trampolining is a great way to aid in weight loss due to its high-intensity, low-impact nature. As a result, you will burn calories by engaging both your upper and lower body during the process, which can be more effective than other types of cardio. Besides, trampolining can also help build muscle by working out your legs, arms, core, and shoulders. And, since you’re bouncing in the air instead of running on the ground, the impact on your joints is much less in this particular case, making it easier for you to stay active without the risk of injury. So, if you’re looking to shed some pounds or tone up, give trampolining a try!

Increases cardiovascular health

Then, trampolining is a great way to keep your heart healthy. A study conducted in 2012 showed that trampolining for just 10 minutes had the same cardiovascular benefits as running for 30 minutes. As an outcome, it helps to improve both your heart rate and your stroke volume, which can reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. Plus, regular trampoline use increases blood circulation and oxygenation, helping you to lower cholesterol levels in your blood.

Lowers blood pressure

To add more, the bouncing motion of a trampoline also lowers your blood pressure due to the changes in air pressure and oxygen levels as you jump up and down. Studies have found that regular trampoline use can reduce systolic (top number) blood pressure readings by up to 10 points! This is especially beneficial for those with high indicators of blood pressure as it can help them avoid medications or reduce their dosage. 

Reduces anxiety and depression

Physical exercise is known to have a positive effect on mental health. Studies have shown that using a commercial trampoline can help people significantly reduce levels of anxiety and depression. And, let us explain how. The combination of movement and social interaction associated with a trampoline increases feel-good hormones in the brain and reduces stress hormones, creating an overall calming effect. In addition, trampolining is an excellent activity for anyone looking to get out of their funk and feel better mentally since it is capable of improving one’s mood and enhancing their self-esteem. 

Improves coordination and balance

Lastly, trampolining is a great way to improve overall coordination and balance as it requires coordination between your arms, legs, and core muscles to remain stable and move in a consistent, controlled manner. 

When you’re bouncing on a trampoline, your body is constantly adjusting its position in order to maintain balance and stay upright. And, as a result, this type of activity helps to strengthen and improve the coordination of the nervous system, which can lead to better balance and agility. 

Bottom line

To recap, using a commercial trampoline offers a range of health benefits, from aiding in weight loss to improving overall coordination and balance. So, if you’re looking for a surefire way to stay in shape or are hoping to improve your mental health, using a trampoline can be an effective and enjoyable solution.


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