Press Release

Tomato Mentor – Choose the Right Black Tomato Variety for Your Garden

The black tomato variety is till date an intriguing sight to many. They’re visually stunning and also offer the lovers a delicious flavor.

A major hurdle in growing this variety is making the decision on the right one for planting. The reason is not far fetched, there are over 50 varieties of black tomato to be picked from, of course the selection process could be a hard nut to crack. They come in different sizes, shapes, shades and tastes, from the rarest to the most popular. Little wonder they’re getting known by the day.


Your choice at this stage determines not only the output but also the challenges you will encounter and how easy it is for you to have them curtailed during the growth timeline, (right from flowering to ripening). Thankfully, here it is simplified for you. When selecting the variety of black tomato for planting, you should consider the following factors:


The back tomato variety are mostly warm season crops. You need to know what the climate conditions of your location says as it determines your success story with any variety you decide to go for. They generally require heat and light for maximum yield. They require at least 6 – 8 hours of direct sunlight. So before you choose your seed, have you found out what works in your zone? Go ahead and do that right now.

Quality Seeds 

A good seed is one of the wise steps towards having a good yield. You will need good quality seeds from a reputable source if you desire a bountiful harvest. Some black tomato varieties are just finding their ways into the limelight. You can search online for a credible source for viable seeds.

Support and Pruning

The Black tomato variety can grow tall and heavy. This is because most of them fall under the indeterminate vines. so provide sturdy support such as stakes or cages. Prune the plants to promote better airflow and focus energy on fruit production.

Disease Resistance

Tomatoes are generally susceptible to over 200 types of diseases. Black tomato variety is not an exception. When this happens, there is a high risk of loss. You should check your seeds resistance nomenclature to be on the safer side. This is usually labeled in letters and numbers on the seeds. One interesting fact about them is the ability to produce for a longer duration with harvest lasting for several months. They keep growing and flowering and can only be stopped by frost.



Finally, there are several varieties of the black tomato variety available. Black Krim, Black Beauty, Black Prince, Black Cherry and Cherokee Purple among others. Are you prepared for a growing period of pruning and suckering followed by a bountiful harvest or would you rather stick with a plant that relieves you of such tedious tasks with lesser yields?

All you need to do is choose a variety that suits your climate, growing conditions, and taste preferences.

For More Informations Please Visit: TOMATO MENTOR


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