Other Press Release

The Real Estate Market in Monaco: A Model of Financial Stability and Economic Resilience



Both industry insiders and non-experts have shown a great deal of interest in and analysis of the Monaco real estate market. This microstate’s property market, synonymous with grandeur, acts as a leading indicator for developments in global wealth and finance. This article examines the market’s current economic and financial situation using thorough statistics and reliable sources.

Economy’s Resistant

The real estate market in Monaco is remarkably resilient. The Monaco Statistics Office (Monaco IMSEE) reports that despite the recent decade’s numerous economic worries, such as the COVID-19 pandemic and the worldwide economic crisis in 2008, real estate sales have remained impressively constant. For instance, there were 433 real estate transactions in 2020 as opposed to 523 in 2019, which represents a meager 17% year-over-year reduction (IMSEE Annual Report, 2021).

Monaco is one of the most expensive real estate markets in the world, with an average price per square meter of a stunning €48,000 (Knight Frank’s Wealth Report, 2022). This stability can be linked to the microstate’s distinctive economic structure, which attracts high-net-worth individuals from throughout the world and features 0% personal income tax and a strong dedication to privacy.

Demand and Supply

The persistent imbalance between supply and demand is one of the hallmarks of the Monegasque real estate market. Only 0.8% of the overall housing stock was made up of available dwelling units in 2021, according to a Savills assessment. Due to intense buyer competition, prices have increased as a result.

Investment Possibilities

Property in Monaco is an investment as well as a place to live. 38% of new buyers have a strong investment motivation, according to data from the Monaco Legend Properties 2023 Insight study. According to a study in the International Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis, real estate investments in Monaco have outperformed many other investment options during the past 20 years, returning an average of about 6.5% annually.

Monetary stability

Monaco’s property sector is vital to the country’s financial stability. Property transactions significantly increase the state’s revenue; in 2022, real estate taxes contributed roughly €258 million to the national budget, or about 16% (Monaco Public Records, 2021). Such income guarantees ongoing public investment in social programs and infrastructure, further boosting the principality’s appeal as a residence and investment location.

Expatriate Influence

Monaco’s real estate market is significantly influenced by foreign purchasers. According to a Deloitte analysis, the majority of non-resident purchases of real estate in Monte Carlo come from Western Europe, Russia, and the Middle East. Monaco’s appeal on a global scale is confirmed by the demand, which also helps to diversify its economic reliance.

Limitations and Difficulties

Despite what could appear to be an overwhelmingly positive picture, there are still difficulties in the industry. According to a recent study published in the journal Environmental Research Letters, rising sea levels represent an existential threat to coastal assets. A World Bank analysis suggests that the market’s exclusivity increases the possibility of a real estate bubble.

The real estate market in Monaco is an intriguing case study in resiliency and stability. It stands itself as a unique hub in the world of real estate thanks to its unmatched prices, consistent transaction volumes, and excellent investment returns. It would be negligent to ignore the difficulties that lay ahead, which range from environmental dangers to problems with financial viability.

Understanding the market’s complicated relationship with larger economic and financial factors will be essential as investors and purchasers continue to negotiate this market. A focus point in the fields of economy and finance, Monaco’s real estate market continues to be an exciting mix of opportunities and challenges.


2021 IMSEE Annual Report. Monaco Institute for Economic and Statistical Research.

The 2022 Knight Frank Wealth Report.

2021 Savills Monaco Report.

The Monaco Insight Report by JLL.

Journal of Housing Market and Analysis International.

2021: Monaco Public Records.

Deloitte’s 2022 forecast for the Monaco real estate market.

Letters in Environmental Research.

Real estate market analysis of the World Bank for 2021.


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