Press Release

The kitchen’s sustainable revolution

Living an eco-friendly life is one of the most popular conversation topics nowadays, as the general public has become increasingly aware of the damage human activities can cause to the environment. And while there are many things that could be incorporated into your daily routine to enable a more sustainable lifestyle, it’s important to remember that a sustainable home starts with an environmentally-friendly kitchen.

Since this is the place where you prepare and serve food, the kitchen is often the centre of family life. You teach children to choose healthy foods here, have guests over, and devise new recipes in the kitchen. And while it may seem like a tiny step for the environment, every time you choose to protect the environment through your daily activities, you make the world a better place for both present and future generations.

Don’t throw away

Many people around the world are caught in a cycle of constantly purchasing brand-new goods. Some of it comes under the form of conspicuous consumption, with shoppers looking to acquire items as a way to enhance their status. In other cases, however, it’s simply because products are readily available and relatively affordable. It’s challenging to walk through the aisles without at least a handful of items catching your eye, even if you don’t necessarily need them.

Another common reason for buying more than you need is the wish to replace an old item with a newer, shinier one. This is very common when it comes to kitchen appliances, as new models enter the market every year. However, buying them would be a mistake. Not only is it financially irresponsible and drains your bank account like no other, but it also contributes to the rubbish gathering in the landfills and greenhouse gas emissions.

If something isn’t broken, you shouldn’t look for a replacement. The only exceptions are if the model you use is already very outdated from a technological perspective and a new one would be more energy-efficient.

Buy to last

Another important aspect of buying items for the kitchen is to focus on goods that will last rather than the ones you’d have to replace constantly. This might mean that the upfront cost will be a little higher, as you’ll pay for goods that are high-quality and which will be perfectly usable over many years. The furnishings are the most fundamental part of any kitchen décor. Depending on the layout and the space you have at your disposal, they must look good while providing adequate storage and cooking space.

Shaker kitchens are one of the most iconic styles you can choose. The simple, no-fuss craftsmanship provides a minimalist design that will never go out of style. They are also built to last and are easy to install, as per the philosophy of the religious movement that first created the furniture style a few centuries ago. When you buy cabinets that will last a long while, you reduce your carbon footprint. It will also help you create a more distinctive look for your kitchen that feels more personal and allows room for creativity.

Reduce food waste

Food waste is a significant cause of emissions, so it’s essential to be mindful of your consumption. It is also wasteful, and many ethical considerations come with throwing away food items. To avoid doing this, make sure you only buy as much as you need. Go grocery shopping with a list and stick to it as much as possible. If you want to get anything extra, only do so if you know it will be eaten.

Choosing locally-grown food and seasonal produce is also more sustainable, as it reduces the carbon emissions associated with long-distance transportation. It is also healthier, as the foodstuffs don’t require additional additives for the long journey, making them organic. And, of course, it is a way to support your local farmers and help your community thrive.

It’s also good to switch to a more plant-based diet. Even if you don’t plan on making the complete switch to veganism, incorporating more vegetables into your daily meals is better for your health and the planet at the same time. Reduce the amount of packaging you buy. One of the best ways is to buy in bulk or use your own containers and reusable bags when shopping.

To avoid food waste, make sure to find creative ways to incorporate your leftovers into new recipes. For instance, leftover steak and veggies can be placed between two slices of toast and made into a sandwich for the next day. Some foods, such as lasagne, can also be made in larger quantities, of which smaller portions can be frozen to be enjoyed later.

Clean fuel

Clean cooking fuel is integral to making the kitchen space a healthier and more sustainable environment worldwide. Many underdeveloped or emerging economies struggle with the use of materials such as charcoal or firewood, which create a lot of smoke, which can become particularly hazardous in indoor areas. The fumes are known to cause chronic, life-threatening illnesses in women, who are usually in charge of cooking.

Clean fuel alternatives can reduce household air pollution and improve the quality of life for millions of individuals across the globe, especially women and children. Some of the options include electricity, biogas, LPG, ethanol and biomass pellets. Switching to these eco-friendlier methods will have a positive impact on gender equality, giving women time to focus on other activities, as well as reduce environmental degradation. It is also more cost-effective.

The bottom line

The quest to create a more sustainable kitchen is still ongoing. All across the world, different people run into distinct challenges in order on the path to living a greener life. However, the process must continue regardless of the possible setbacks that will intervene along the way. That is because a world that cares about protecting the environment is healthier and happier. It also means that future generations will live wholesome, fulfilling lives. And there are few pursuits more noble than that.


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