Press Release

Know What to do if your Employer is Violating your Rights

All the employees are entitled to wage and hourly rights. They should be paid a fair and full amount for the work they have done, and receive meal breaks, and adequate rest time. Unfortunately, there are instances where the employees were exploited by their employers in terms of wage and hour rights. If you are in the same situation, contact wage & hour lawyers and help yourself out of the situation. The lawyers will ensure that you are paid fairly and you receive the breaks and rest you deserve.


Identify if you are being exploited

The multitude that exploitation comes in regards to wage and hour rights are varied. Some of them are as clear as daylight to get identified, while others need a detailed scrutinization to identify. Some of the common wage and hour violations are:

  • Not paying the employees for all the hours they have worked.
  • Not paying minimum wage to the employees.
  • Not allowing the employees to take adequate rest.
  • Not allotting meal breaks to the employees.
  • Not providing pay stubs to the employees.
  • Not paying the employees the due wage after they are terminated.
  • Not paying the employees for overtime.
  • Not reimbursing the express an employee bears for work.
  • Not paying the employees’ bonus, tips, or commissions.
  • Not paying the correct amount to the employees for the overtime they did.


If you are being deprived of the aforementioned points, you are being exploited by your employer and you have the right to sue them with the help of a wage and hour lawyer.


Can you fight a wage and hour lawsuit alone?

No rule is barring you from fighting the case alone. But you, being personnel from a different genre of work, are not well-versed with the legalities of the wage and hour law. Thus, you will find it difficult to carry on with the legal procedures.

It would be best if you hire a wage-and-hour attorney and let them walk you through the legalities of the case and help you to get the justice that you deserve.



Ensure that you have an experienced, attentive, compassionate, and professional wage and hour lawyer by your side. Having anyone who will lack these qualities might make you uncertain about the positive outcome of the case. Also, ensure that they have a good track record.


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