Press Release

How to Protect Your Trees and Plants from Deer

Deer are a pain for many people since they damage their lawns or gardens. A lot of homeowners resort to shooting deer on their property when they see them, but there are other methods to keep the animals away without causing injury.

1) Deer Fence:

The two most common ways deer sneak through fences are gaps wider than four inches and by hopping over an eight-foot high fence. To keep them out, make sure your fence is metal or wood, tall enough to reach at least eight feet, and has no openings wider than four inches.

2) Deer Gates/Posts:

A way to keep the animals away from your garden (or any other area you want them out of) is with a gate or post that blocks their access. This type of barrier has many names, including “deer fences“, “deer stop,” “deer post,” “deer fence posts,” or simply “deer pole.”

Deer fences come in several forms, with the height depending on where you live. They are generally between three and six feet tall, although they might be higher in specific regions. For more resistance against animals pressing through the gap where the two posts meet, deer posts may also be erected on both sides of a gate.

3) Post Drivers:

An inexpensive gas-powered t post driver ($30-50) is another option to keep deer out. This equipment will help you drive the posts into the ground while eliminating any air pockets, firmly cementing their position, and preventing them from collapsing due to strong winds, heavy snowfall, or other elements typical to your yard.

4) Scare the deer with sound:

Deer are more likely to stay away from an area if they think there is a predator nearby. You can take advantage of this by playing recorded sounds of predators like coyotes, wolves, or even domestic dogs barking.

5) Use Plant deterrents:

Several plants and herbs, such as Coleus Canina (also known as “scaredy-cat plant”), lavender, garlic chives, or the herb rue repel deer. Therefore, you may need to experiment with different combinations of these natural repellents before you find what works best for your needs.

6) Use Chemical repellents:

Deer may be kept off your yard using commercially available products. They, however, differ in effectiveness, and many individuals are hesitant to utilize them because of the potential long-term impact on the environment.

So, to summarize, it is crucial that whatever combination of methods you end up choosing actually work for your situation specifically. This way, they’ll be less likely to take advantage of you once you’ve put some defenses in place.


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