Press Release

How to Be an All-Round Great Recruitment Marketer


The goal for every 360 marketer is to be adaptable and able to change strategy in response to your current environment. Unfortunately, the job market is extremely volatile and can leave your team in jeopardy without an adequate plan.

Some marketing strategies are specialized. The more you broaden your skill set, the more valuable you become to your employer. As a result, it can actually increase your personal self-development too.

Working can be a tedious and boring routine. Sometimes you just want to do something new or exciting!

There are numerous areas to focus on when you’re building your company with recruitment marketing software. However, there are some things that work better than others.

1. Copywriting skills

You don’t need to be an expert in poetry to write marketing copy that engages your audience. The key is to focus on writing clearly and concisely.

The best way to write at a child’s level is to keep it simple – try writing at a 12-year old reading level. For example, ditch high-register words like “however” and “therefore” and switch them for “but” and “so”. Your writing will be more readable, and you’ll end up with a more conversational tone.

To help your readers become more engaged in what you’re doing, keep your content as simple as possible so that they’ll be able to understand and connect with it.

2. Basic SEO PPC skills

It can be intimidating to launch a PPC campaign, optimize for SEO from scratch, or try to make your way through the digital jungle without guides. However, if you’re willing to spend some time and effort, there are plenty of guides online that will give you plenty of tips and advice.

Putting your job ad in front of the perfect audience is what most business owners want and it’s an area where you’ll get serious kudos. Letting your ads appear in search engine results can help you reach your goals.

As a first step when starting your paid promotion, set up goals and use your marketing personas to decide where you want your ads to run.

Pay-per-click is a tricky business. PPC platforms are smart and know when you’re doing something wrong or it doesn’t perform to the best. Once you’ve got your first ad up, you can then go back and make improvements based on the results. That way, you’ll always be getting the most bang for your PPC buck!

Luckily, getting a basic SEO strategy is relatively straightforward. Download this beginner’s guide to SEO for recruitment marketers to learn all you need to know about search engine optimization.

3. Design & video skills

You don’t need to be an experienced graphic designer or video editor to create professional-quality content these days. There are loads of free design tools that can help you create images and videos that brands would typically use agencies to produce.

Video editing doesn’t have to be overwhelming or expensive. There are many easy-to-use, free platforms that help you make videos quickly and easily. Platforms like Animoto help you build the best possible video in minutes with very little effort.

Learning how to create striking images or videos will pay off. Audiences love eye-catching visual content, and this is why it can be so powerful.

4. Internal communication skills

To be the successful marketing all-rounder you desire, you need to work closely with recruiters. In order to interact well with recruiters, it’s important to have strong communication skills.

Marketers, you know that recruiting isn’t your strong suit. Recruiters are also pretty bad at working together and seem hell-bent on killing every business they come across. That’s why these guys limit how much success you can have. However, marketing teams need their help in order to achieve results, so check them out and see if they can help you grow faster!

To get in touch with recruiters, your first task is to keep your communication simple and easy. For example, if you want them to share a piece of content on their social media channel you can do that easily by sending them a bullet-pointed instruction list.

With a clear, concise email like this, recruiters will know exactly what to do and avoid any mistakes that would be detrimental to you.

5. Analytical skills

Just as any other marketing activity requires clear goals, each and every 360 recruitment marketing endeavor needs strong targets to work towards.

To get better results for your recruiters, you should focus on marketing metrics that track tangible results. For example, the job ad conversion rate or social media follower count might not be valuable in terms of improving the business but they can tell you how well a campaign was running.

Following an effective marketing plan definitely pays off in the long run. It’s important to look back and see what worked well and what didn’t so that you’re able to make your marketing even more effective as time goes on.


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