Press Release

Art Reimagined: Faranak Zaboli’s Transformation of Classic Sculptures into Glitch Tattoos


Faranak Zaboli aka OEK is no stranger to pushing boundaries. With her latest venture into the world of glitch tattoos, she has indeed left her mark on the art and tattoo community. In an exclusive interview, we delve into her artistic world, exploring her innovative approach to melding classic sculptures with modern-day glitch aesthetics. OEK’s passion and vision have created a sanctuary for artistic innovation at OEK Factory. Her journey, infused with a relentless pursuit of excellence and an unyielding curiosity for new expressions, continues to inspire artists and art enthusiasts alike. Her work is a testament to the power of creativity and the endless possibilities that lie within the world of art.

Q: What was the inspiration behind starting OEK Factory? How does it reflect your multifaceted approach to art?

A: OEK Factory is a culmination of my passions. I wanted a space where various art forms could coexist and influence each other. From collaborating with world-class tattoo artists to hosting art exhibitions, it’s a hub where creativity knows no bounds.

Q: OEK Factory has become a symbol for innovative and high-end artistic expressions. Can you share some insights into your unique designs and approaches?

A: We thrive on bringing daring and innovative ideas to life. Whether it’s tattoos, fashion, or design, our work is about pushing boundaries and expressing individuality. We also value collaboration, often working with artists from various backgrounds to enrich our portfolio.

Q: Faranak, your work with glitch tattoos has drawn significant attention. As the first artist to pioneer this concept, what inspired you to explore this unique fusion of classic art with contemporary visuals?

A: I’ve always been fascinated by the dichotomy of the timeless and the ephemeral. Glitch art reflects the transient nature of our digital age, and I wanted to merge that with the eternal beauty of classic sculptures. It was an experiment that turned into a passion.

Q: You’ve managed to establish a new art form in a highly competitive industry. Did you ever think that you’d be recognized as the first to create glitch tattoos?

A: Honestly, I didn’t set out to be the first. My aim was to push my creativity and explore uncharted territories. The fact that it turned into something groundbreaking is both thrilling and surreal.

Q: How do you see this novel approach influencing future artists? What do you think it brings to the world of tattoo artistry?

A: I believe it opens a door to endless possibilities. Art is fluid, and by combining different disciplines, we can create something new and unexpected. I hope my work encourages others to break the mold and find their unique voice in tattoo artistry.

Q: What’s next for you? Will you continue to explore the world of glitch tattoos, or are there new artistic avenues you’re interested in pursuing?

A: I will definitely continue with glitch tattoos, but I’m always looking for new inspirations. Art is a journey, and I’m excited to see where it takes me next. There will always be new terrains to explore.

Q: Lastly, what advice would you give to young artists looking to find their voice in the art world?

A: Stay true to yourself and never stop exploring. Learn from others but forge your path. Art is about expressing who you are, so don’t be afraid to take risks and discover what resonates with you.

With her groundbreaking work and philosophical approach to her craft, OEK (Faranak Zaboli) continues to challenge the conventional norms of tattoo artistry. Her fusion of classic sculptures with glitch aesthetics has not only captured the imagination of art lovers but also established her as a trailblazer in the world of tattoos. Her visionary work is a testament to the ever-evolving nature of art, a beacon for those looking to see beyond the surface, and a compelling glimpse into the future of artistic expression.


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