Press Release

When Should You Talk to a Lawyer After a Truck Accident?

Truck accidents are typically devastating, due to the sheer size and power of trucks and the complexity of the aftermath. Even a relatively simple truck accident could cause hundreds of thousands of dollars of damage and potentially kill people in the process.

If you’re involved in a truck accident, you should talk to a lawyer – but when should you make the call?

The Value of Talking to a Lawyer

Let’s start by examining why it’s important to talk to a lawyer in the first place. If the accident wasn’t your fault, by default, you’ll probably receive an offer from the insurance company of the driver who was at fault. This offer for compensation may cover some of your damages, but it may not accurately reflect what you deserve to receive.

Lawyers will be able to help you examine the case with a professional eye. Together, you’ll be able to objectively analyze insurance offers, negotiate for a higher offer, or potentially go to court to win more damages.

In other words, lawyers can help you make sure you get every penny you deserve after being in a traumatic truck accident. It’s incredibly difficult, and nearly impossible to traverse this terrain on your own, with limited to no legal knowledge. It’s also important to understand that most lawyers provide you with an initial consultation for free, so there’s no downside to this first meeting.

After the Truck Accident

So when should you make the call?

  • Get to safety. The first thing you need to do after any accident is get to safety. In the immediate aftermath of the truck accident, if your car is drivable, you should drive it to the side of the road. If you can move, you should get yourself to a safe place as soon as possible. After that, it’s important to help other people get to safety, assuming they can be moved without risk.
  • Contact emergency services. Once you and the people involved in the accident are out of immediate danger, contact emergency services as soon as possible. Even if it doesn’t feel like you’ve been injured or seriously harmed, it’s a good idea to be evaluated by a medical professional. This step is even more important if anyone has visibly sustained serious injury.
  • Get medical attention. Next, work on getting yourself medical attention, especially if you’ve been seriously harmed. Even if you feel like the accident left you relatively unscathed, it’s important to be examined by a medical professional, since your adrenaline may be masking your pain in the moment.
  • Gather evidence. With ambulances on the way, if you have the ability to move around, talk, and operate your phone, you should spend some time gathering evidence. Take photos and videos of the scene of the crash, write down the names of anyone involved in the accident as well as witnesses, and make notes to yourself about what you saw and what you experienced in the moments leading up to the crash.
  • File a police report. It’s advisable to file a police report after any accident, no matter the circumstances. A police report is going to function as the official documentation for this accident, so it’s important that all the details are correct and accurately recorded. When the police arrive, you can give your side of the story, provide any pieces of evidence you have, and check the details before signing off on it.
  • Call your lawyer. With medical attention dispensed, evidence gathered, and a police report in the process of being filed, it will be time to call your lawyer. You should try to talk to your lawyer as soon as possible, once you’ve taken care of all these other priorities.

After Talking to Your Lawyer

After talking to your lawyer, there are some important steps you’ll need to follow to improve your outcomes:

  • Continue going to your follow-up appointments. Make sure you attend all your follow-up appointments and follow the directives and guidance of your healthcare professionals. That means taking all your medications, going to physical therapy, and undergoing recommended procedures. Keep receipts for all of these medical needs.
  • Follow your lawyer’s advice. You’ll technically make all the decisions from here on out, but most people benefit from following their lawyers advice as closely as possible. Your lawyer probably has years, if not decades of experience, so trust their judgment.
  • Focus on recovery. Finally, focus on your own recovery. Take care of yourself and lean on your friends and family for additional support when necessary.

Being in a truck accident can be devastating for your physical and emotional health, but you don’t have to go this path alone. The sooner you talk to a lawyer, the sooner you’ll have access to professional advice and guidance that can help you see better results.