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What is a PDF File and How Businesses Benefit from the Format


PDF document is one of the most used by people around the world. With features ranging from print quality to lightness, it is the ideal file type for the job market. But do you know exactly what a PDF file is and how businesses can benefit from the format?

What is a PDF file?

PDF is a type of digital file that takes up little space on your computer’s memory and can be viewed on any operating system.

Because it has a format that cannot be changed without a free pdf converter, whoever receives a PDF file can view it exactly as the original, preserving the information entered by whoever created the document.

The PDF can be viewed within the e-mail system or using a viewing program on the computer, making most users able to open this type of file.

Another feature of PDF is the quality of data compression. This means that even files with images and visual resources can be saved, occupying little space in memory.

This positive point also has an impact on printing, since the original properties are not lost during compression. No wonder that projects that need quality when printing are saved in PDF.

How did PDF come to market?

Anyone who thinks that the PDF format is something recent is wrong. In fact, it was created in 1991 by Dr. John Warnock, who is the co-founder of Adobe, the company that owns the PDF rights.

It all started with the so-called “The Camelot Project”, an idea that aimed to allow any user to save, send or open documents anywhere, printing on all types of machines.

In 1992, with a more refined version, Camelot became the PDF format, acronym for Portable Document Format, which clearly presents the purpose of this type of file.

The advantages of PDF for business

In the business world, PDF has been unanimous since its launch, back in the 90s. And it’s easy to understand the reasons behind all this popularity: just analyze the features present in the format.

PDF is a very secure file. Although most of the programs in the Office package save in PDF, not all of them are able to perform the opposite process, which prevents unauthorized editions and changes. To edit a PDF, the user needs an editing program.

Another advantage of PDF for business is the agility in exchanging information. In addition to being lighter, which allows for quick sending and sharing, the PDF allows the insertion of comments, ideal for team projects.

By maintaining the quality of images and texts, PDF is the best format for when you need to print a file. All printers accept this type of document, which makes it easier to print larger projects.

Because it’s free, the PDF can be opened by anyone, whether inside or outside your office. This makes it easy to share important documents with other users.

In fact, choosing to use PDF files is the most practical and secure way to share data, whether between professionals in your business or from other companies. All of this makes it easy to understand why, even after 30 years, the PDF is still ruling.


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