Press Release

Steps For A Safer Rideshare Travel Experience

Rideshare companies have gained quite a popularity in the past few years. These services have various benefits as they provide cost-effective private modes of transportation. However, with the benefits comes a few risks as well. You could be on your way to work and end up in a rideshare accident resulting in harm and damages.

If you were in a rideshare accident, you deserve compensation. You should not let the liable party get away with being negligent. Contact a Huntington Beach car accident attorney today to understand your legal options. Meanwhile, it helps to learn about the steps you can take to ensure a safe rideshare experience.

Steps for a safer rideshare travel experience

1. Check for the driver’s ratings on the app.

Many rideshare apps have a section where they show the driver’s rating. Perhaps the most important thing to do before you get into a car with a stranger is to check their ratings. This is especially important when you are trying to avoid a bad driver and an accident. Reviewing the rating will help you understand if the driver provides a good experience to its customers.

If the driver has a low rating, it could be because they drove roughly or broke too many traffic laws. Bad drivers often do not have a lot of reviews.

2. Ask the right questions.

You want to ask the rideshare driver some important questions before you get into a car with them. After all, they are a stranger to you. Rideshare drivers are required to know your details, such as your name and destination. If the driver cannot answer simple questions, something is wrong. Moreover, you should have basic information about the driver made available to you on the rideshare app. Do not get into the car without confirming that they are your ride.

3. Pay attention to whether they are using their phone.

Your duty towards your own safety does not end after you sit in the vehicle. You should pay attention to a few things, such as whether the driver follows the posted speed limit laws, keeps a reasonable distance from other vehicles, avoids using their phone, etc. If your driver uses their phone while driving, it is a huge red flag that must be addressed immediately.

Ask the driver to put their phone down while driving and if they must use their phone, allow them to stop the car for some time and make their calls/texts. You can refuse to ride with them if they do not listen.

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