Press Release

One Union Solution Introduces Revolutionary Importer of Record (IOR) and Trade Compliance Solutions: Transforming Global Trade Operations

Netherlands – July 8, 2023 –  One Union Solutions, a leading provider of Importer of Record (IOR) and Trade Compliance Solutions, is thrilled to announce the introduction of their groundbreaking services. One Union Solutions aims to empower businesses engaged in global trade by offering innovative solutions that address the challenges and complexities of international trade operations.

International trade is a crucial driver of economic growth, connecting businesses across borders. However, engaging in global trade comes with its fair share of hurdles, including complex customs regulations, documentation requirements, and logistical intricacies. One Union Solutions has recognized these challenges and developed comprehensive solutions to streamline trade operations, ensure compliance, and enable businesses to thrive in the global marketplace.

“Our Importer of Record (IOR) and Trade Compliance Solutions mark a significant milestone in the industry,” said Markus Adrian, Trade compliance expert of One Union Solutions. “We are committed to facilitating seamless global trade operations and providing our clients with the expertise and tools they need to navigate the complexities of international trade.”

Transforming Global Trade Operations

One Union Solutions is at the forefront of providing innovative solutions that enhance the efficiency and reliability of global trade. Their (Global IOR) service revolutionizes the way businesses can expand their global reach. By acting as the official importer of IT and telecom equipment, One Union Solutions assumes the legal responsibilities associated with customs compliance, tax obligations, and regulations. This unique service allows businesses to enter new markets, overcome cross-border trade challenges, and expand their customer base without the need for establishing physical entities in each region.

In addition to (IOR), One Union Solutions offers a comprehensive suite of Trade Compliance Solutions designed to address the complexities of international trade. Their Exporter of Record (EOR) service ensures compliance with export regulations and provides comprehensive documentation support for seamless exports. The DDP (Delivery Duty Paid) Delivery Service simplifies logistics by handling import duties, taxes, and fees associated with international shipments. Moreover, the White Glove Delivery Service offers specialized handling and attention throughout the transportation process for high-value and sensitive shipments, ensuring exceptional customer experiences.

“Partnering with One Union Solutions has been instrumental in our international expansion efforts,” said David Thompson, marketing manager of a prominent technology company. “Their comprehensive solution and guidance allowed us to enter new markets seamlessly, ensuring compliance, and reducing operational complexities. We highly recommend One Union Solutions to any business seeking to optimize their global trade operations.”

Supporting Businesses in a Booming International Trade Landscape

The international trade landscape is experiencing remarkable growth, with businesses seeking to capitalize on global market opportunities. According to a recent report by the World Trade Organization (WTO), global merchandise trade volume is projected to increase by 8.0% in 2023, following a 5.3% increase in 2022[1]. This significant growth presents both opportunities and challenges for businesses engaged in international trade.

One of the major challenges faced by businesses is navigating complex customs regulations. According to a survey conducted by Deloitte[2], 62% of businesses consider customs compliance as a significant obstacle in their international trade operations. This is where One Union Solution’s Importer of Record (IOR) service becomes invaluable, as it ensures compliance with local regulations, simplifies customs clearance, and mitigates the risks associated with cross-border trade.

Another challenge businesses encounter is the documentation complexities involved in international trade. According to the World Economic Forum[3], inefficient customs procedures and documentation requirements can lead to delays, increased costs, and disruptions in the global supply chain. One Union Solution’s Trade Compliance Solutions, including their Exporter of Record (EOR) service, provide comprehensive documentation support, streamlining the export process and minimizing administrative burdens.

Furthermore, logistics management poses a significant challenge for businesses engaged in international trade. The increasing demand for efficient transportation, handling, and delivery of goods requires expertise and specialized services. One Union Solution’s DDP (Delivery Duty Paid) Delivery Service and White Glove Delivery Service offer tailored solutions to ensure seamless logistics, optimize supply chain management, and enhance the customer experience.

By addressing these challenges, One Union Solution’s Importer of Record (IOR) and Trade Compliance Solutions empower businesses to navigate the booming international trade landscape with confidence, unlock new growth opportunities, and expand their global reach.

Unlock the Future of Global Trade with One Union Solution

One Union Solution’s Importer of Record (IOR) and Trade Compliance Solutions mark a significant milestone in the realm of global trade. By offering comprehensive services tailored to the Tech, Medical, Automotive, and Aviation industries, One Union Solution empowers businesses to unlock new growth opportunities, expand their reach, and stay ahead of the competition. To learn more visit or contact their team at [email protected].


  • World Trade Organization (WTO). (2023). Global Trade Forecast: Strong Rebound Expected
    In 2023 Following 2022 Rebound
    . Retrieved from ↩
  • (2022). *Navigating the Customs Landscape: 2022 ↩


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