Press Release

Instagram Shadowban Is Real: How to Test for & Prevent It?

Has your Instagram reach dropped suddenly? Are your posts receiving no engagement or impressions like they usually do? If so, you must have been shadowbanned.

Shadowban is when Instagram restricts or hides your content from people other than your followers. But that’s not all.

There’s much more to Instagram Shadowban that most people aren’t aware of. In fact, some even think shadowban is just something that may happen when you try to promote your account or get free Instagram followers from an organic growth company. But that’s not true.

So, without further ado, let’s dive in and explore what a shadowban actually is, how to test for it, and how to prevent it!

What is Instagram Shadowban?

Instagram shadowban is a term used to describe a situation where an account’s visibility is restricted without the account holder receiving any explicit notification from the platform.

This means that the account owner will not be notified that their posts are not reaching a wider audience or appearing in hashtag search results or on the Explore page.

The shadowban is usually imposed as a penalty by Instagram to curb spammy or inappropriate behavior on the platform. Some common reasons for an account to be shadowbanned include:

➔   Violating Community Guidelines

If an account engages in actions that violate Instagram’s community guidelines, the account may be shadowbanned. These include posting inappropriate content, using bots and automated tools to gain followers, and engaging in spammy activities.

➔   Using Banned Hashtags

If an account uses hashtags that have been flagged as inappropriate or violating community guidelines, Instagram may apply a shadowban to that account.

➔   Engaging in Follow/Unfollow Tactics

Excessive follow and unfollow actions to gain followers can be considered spammy behavior and may lead to a shadowban.

➔   Repetitive or Automated Posting

Accounts that frequently post identical (or very similar) content and use automation tools to post may also face a shadowban.

It’s important to note that sometimes legitimate accounts may experience a shadowban due to Instagram’s algorithmic issues, false positives, or glitches in the system. In this case, you should contact Instagram support to resolve the issue.

How to Test for Instagram Shadowban?

If your account is not receiving any impressions or engagement rates, it is not always because of Instagram Shadowban. Sometimes, your content is just not good enough. But how do you know which of these is the reason for the low reach

Well, here are some ways to test for Instagram Shadowban:

Check Hashtag Visibility

Create a new post with a unique hashtag and ask a friend or another account that doesn’t follow you to search for that hashtag. If your post doesn’t appear in the search results, it could indicate a shadowban.

Explore Page Visibility

See if your posts appear on the Explore page. If they don’t show up there, it might be a sign of a shadowban.

Hashtag Search on a Shadowban Test Website

Some websites offer shadowban testing tools. Enter your Instagram username, and the tool will analyze your recent posts to check if you are shadowbanned.

Engagement and Reach

Compare the engagement and reach of your recent posts with your average performance. A significant drop in engagement or reach could suggest a shadowban.

Manual Shadowban Test

Temporarily stop using hashtags and performing any automated or spammy actions for a few days. Then, check if your visibility improves. If it does, it might have been a temporary shadowban.How to Prevent Instagram from Shadowbanning You

Shadowbans can halt your growth process and ruin your strategies. So, here are some of the best practices to help you avoid it:

Follow Community Guideline

Adhere to Instagram’s community guidelines, which prohibit posting inappropriate or offensive content, engaging in bullying or harassment, and violating copyright or intellectual property rights.

Use Relevant Hashtags

Avoid using banned or irrelevant hashtags. Research and select relevant hashtags to your content and audience. Also, use a new set of hashtags every time so that your account reaches more people.

Avoid Automation

Refrain from using bots or automated tools that promise to increase followers or engagement instantly. Instagram actively detects and penalizes accounts that use such tactics. Instead, only choose organic growth companies that boost your account through organic methods.

Limit Follow/Unfollow Action

Engaging in excessive follow and unfollow actions to gain followers can be seen as spammy behavior. Focus on authentic engagement and building a genuine community

Avoid Repetitive Content

Post unique and diverse content as Instagram may penalize accounts that repeatedly post very similar content. Besides, we shouldn’t forget that Instagram is a creative platform where originality matters more than anything.

Manage Comments and DMs

Respond to comments and direct messages timely. Avoid using spammy or irrelevant responses. And please, don’t ask random creators to follow you in the DMs. Instead, build a genuine connection and people will automatically follow you back.

Report Inappropriate Content

If you come across spammy and inappropriate accounts or content, report them to Instagram. This helps maintain a healthier and safer community.

Use Instagram Ads Responsibly

If you run Instagram ads, ensure they comply with Instagram’s advertising policies. Misleading or deceptive ads may lead to penalties. Also, don’t run too many ads as the sudden bursts of engagement can mess up with algorithms.

Take Breaks If Needed

If you notice a decrease in engagement or reach, take a break from using hashtags or performing automated actions for a few days. This might help your account recover if it was accidentally flagged.

Remember that by maintaining genuine and authentic interactions with your audience, you can minimize the risk of being shadowbanned and build a strong, organic presence on the platform.


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