Press Release

Felon Friendly Apartments San Antonio

Have you been released from prison and want to settle down in San Antonio? Do you know someone who is in a situation like this? If that is the case, you are in the right place. This article is meant to help you find a suitable felon-friendly apartment to live in without struggling too much.

As you know, not everyone receives ex-cons with open arms. Some people are instantly put off by the fact that you are an ex-convict once they find out that you had been serving time in the penitentiary. Such people who quickly judge ex-cons without giving them the chance to prove themselves often want nothing to do with them.

People who justify stigmatizing ex-cons regularly claim that they want to be surrounded by law-abiding citizens while others say that they want their tenants and loved ones to live in a safe environment. Crossing paths with such individuals should not discourage you from apartment hunting. Everyone deserves a second chance. Moreover, such justifications should not stand since some people were wrongly convicted.


Where do you start apartment hunting in San Antonio if you have a criminal record?

So, you have just been released from prison, and you want to integrate into society and make an honest living. What do you do next? Where in San Antonio will you start looking for a felon-friendly apartment? Worry not. This piece contains valuable information that will help you secure an apartment in a blink of an eye.

That said, breathe in, relax and buckle up as I take you through a ride full of useful insights on how to find a felon-friendly apartment in San Antonio.

Apartments that don’t require background checks

These days, landlords, real estate agents, and homeowners who want to rent out their houses and apartments make it a norm to do thorough background checks before they let someone live on their property. Most of these people do this as a precautionary step to ensure that their apartments remain safe and drug-free.

Blaming people who do background checks is pointless. Records show that many repeat offenders are unwilling to turn on a new leaf after their release which is why most ex-cons have a hard time securing apartments to stay in. Stiff-necked offenders who find it hard to stay away from a life of crime after their release are a nuisance to society. As such, apartment owners make it their mission to purge them from their properties.

When you are searching for a felon-friendly apartment to rent in San Antonio, the first thing that you have to do is find apartments that do not do background checks and then compare their prices. Such apartments are the best bet for people with felony convictions. Finding such apartments might seem like finding a needle in a haystack, but that is not always the case.

Make use of the internet


One of the easiest ways of finding a felon-friendly apartment that does not do background checks is by making use of the internet. So, if you are looking for an apartment that allows ex-cons to live in, simply type “felon-friendly apartments in San Antonio” in search engines, and you will find several apartments to choose from.

 Some of the apartments that welcome ex-cons in San Antonio without doing background checks include West Gate Apartment Homes, The Outpost, Towers at the Majestic, and City-Base Vista Apartments. Their numbers are available on the internet. All you have to do is call them and schedule an appointment.

Individual landlords

People who ignore the power of having one-on-one conversations make a huge mistake without realizing it. If they are looking for a felon-friendly apartment, engaging landlords in conversations is the way to go.

When house hunting, make it a point to have face-to-face conversations with landlords who manage their properties without the help of real estate agencies. Doing so greatly increases your chances of getting an apartment to rent since you will have a chance to make a personal appeal to an apartment owner about your current situation.

It is crucial to note that when you get the chance to talk with landlords, be frank with them. When you are sincere with individual apartment owners, you make an impression that you have genuine intentions, and you also show them that you are a changed person. Ex-cons who are upfront with landlords stand a higher chance of securing an apartment compared to sketchy individuals who ooze the vibes of beating around the bush.

Use available resources

Many people, especially ex-convicts who were behind bars for many years, are unaware of the unlimited resources they can use to find felon-friendly apartments. Various non-governmental organizations, local institutions, and national institutions are dedicated to serving ex-offenders by helping them have a smooth transition back into society. The best way to find out about such institutions is by consulting with your probation officer.

Visiting the Department of Housing and Urban Development offices will ease the process of finding a felon-friendly apartment. Here, you will get a list of all apartments that turn a blind eye to your conviction. What’s more, you will save a lot of time since you will have different options to choose from in terms of location and amenities without physically checking out each apartment on the list availed to you.

Have someone to vouch for your character

Having a character witness to vouch for you when you are hunting for a felon-friendly apartment is crucial. When you have a credible character witness to put in a good word for you, you increase the chances of securing an apartment faster.

 Credible and believable character witnesses who will most likely help you in your quest to find an apartment include priests, probation officers, law enforcement officers, lawyers, judges, or any person highly regarded by society when it comes to law and morality.

Offer to pay more

If your negotiation skills are proving difficult in helping you secure a felon-friendly apartment in San Antonio, offer to pay more than the standard rate for an apartment. Sweetening the deal by throwing in a few extra bucks for rent can help you get an apartment even if the owner is the strictest landlord in San Antonio. You can also offer to pay more deposit fees and pledge to always pay your rent and other necessary fees on time to secure a felon-friendly apartment.


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