Press Release

Depression is Common: 5 Tips to Feel Better

Are you struggling with depression and wondering what you can do about it? If so, you aren’t alone. Depression is one of the most common disorders in the United States. In 2019, the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) estimated that more than 19 million adults experienced major depression at least once. In 2021, rates of depression increased because of the lockdowns and restrictions imposed during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Although it sometimes seems like there’s no end in sight, depression is treatable. If you’re feeling depressed and wondering what you can do to feel better, here are some of your best options.

1. See a therapist you can trust

Finding a trustworthy, licensed mental health provider is one of the most effective ways to treat depression. If you’re reluctant to seek help for emotional problems, know that depression isn’t a sign of weakness, but rather, a sign of an imbalance that can be treated. Seeing a skilled, experienced therapist can make a big difference in your quality of life.

Therapy is great, but what if you don’t want to drive to a therapist’s office or have your sessions in an unfamiliar setting? Post-COVID, many services that were traditionally in person only are now offered online, including therapy.

“With the isolation from others that the COVID pandemic brought, we’re seeing a lot more requests for depression therapists,” says Ryan FitzGerald, CEO of TherapyTribe. “Online therapy has been extremely helpful for people who prefer counseling from the comfort of their own home.”

If you’re feeling depressed and want someone to talk to, try online counseling sessions. They work just like in-person appointments, but you get to stay in your comfort zone.

2. Add positive activities to your day

When you do things that make you feel good, you’re more likely to beat depression. According to this 2017 study, people who included certain positive activities in their day had “significantly larger improvements in positive affect and psychological well-being” compared to those who did not adopt those activities. The specific behaviors included practicing gratitude, acts of kindness, and general optimism.

This isn’t to be confused with the “fake it ‘til you make it” concept. You don’t need to walk around pretending to be happy. You just want to insert positive things in your day that will influence your mind in the desired direction. They don’t have to be big, either. You can do small things that make you smile, like helping someone with their groceries, writing in a gratitude journal, or doing volunteer work.

3. Eat healthy food

Food is the body’s main source of fuel and eating healthy ensures your body gets high-quality nutrients without chemicals and other ingredients that aren’t actually food. The best way to eat healthy is to cook your own meals and avoid packaged items, like frozen and canned food. You’ll find excessive levels of sodium, sugar, and fat in pre-made food, and the heavy processing means you’re getting far fewer nutrients than what’s listed on the label.

There are varying takes on what “healthy food” means, but in general, stick to foods that are organic, fresh, and won’t weigh you down. For example, instead of eating pasta every day, try eating lighter dishes, like a grilled chicken salad or even zucchini pasta with your favorite pasta ingredients.

4. Get more sun and fresh air

Whether it’s summer or winter, hot or cold, getting outside into the fresh air can do wonders to lift you out of a depression. Go for a walk, take your dogs to the park, sit in the sun, or just have a cup of coffee on the porch. If you really don’t want to sit outside, open your sliding glass door and let the sun’s warm rays into your home.

Being outside in the sun for just a few minutes each day will get your body to produce necessary levels of vitamin D, but even when there’s no sun, just existing in nature, even in your backyard, can benefit your mental state.

5. Improve your sleep

The importance of getting good sleep is underrated. When you’re dealing with depression, quality sleep can help you feel better. However, it’s not enough to simply sleep for a certain number of hours. If you’re not getting deep, restful sleep, the number of hours won’t matter.

Try going to sleep early and make your bed as comfortable as possible. Eliminate all distractions and take a natural OTC sleep aid, like melatonin, if needed.

Depression is treatable with a little effort

Depression feels awful, but you don’t have to live with it forever. Your best option is to see a therapist and try some of the tips outlined in this article. Progress will be gradual, but every bit of relief is worth the effort.  

IPS, No PR, Wire



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