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Children Learning Reading Review [2023] – Does It Work?

According to a recently concluded study, children who start reading fluently before first grade have a higher chance of academic success. Teaching your child to read is exciting, but it is also frustrating, especially if you are not using the right tools.

All parents will agree that teaching their child to read is the most challenging task and it is one of the biggest reason for back pain. However, it is important to develop reading skills in the early stage. You should invest some time and search for the right tools that can make this job easy for both of you.

I know it is not easy to develop reading skills in your child, and it can be heartbreaking sometimes, especially if your child is not reading correctly by the third grade.

As a teacher, I try to use easy and fun methods to develop reading skills in my students and kids. One of the tools I am using is called Children Learning Reading Program.

I have purchased this program and used it for more than three years.

In this review, I will discuss everything I know about Children Learning Reading, an online program providing valuable tips and guidelines to develop your child’s reading skills.

You will discover what precisely this online program is all about, including exciting things such as its author, pros, cons, cost, and more.

What Exactly Is Children Learning Reading All About?

Children Learning Reading is a two-part reading program for kids created by Jim Young. One thing I found interesting in this program is Jim Young is not some famous education guru or a celebrity on TV.

Instead, Jim Young is a teacher and a father of 4 children. Jim created this program along with the help of his wife, Elena, and they have demonstrated how they teach their children and students to read using the methods provided in this program.

Jim and Elena extensively researched different methods to develop reading skills in infants. This Children Learning Reading program provides easy-to-learn methods to help children pick up reading skills in a fun and seamless way.

Children Learning Reading Review – Is This Program Legit?

According to the authors, the Children Learning Reading program is suitable for children between the ages of two and eight. Simply put, your child will enjoy these fun and exciting exercises. These exercises focus on building a phonics foundation by teaching phonemes to develop solid reading and learning foundations.

When teaching the child to read, most parents teach only letters rather than letter sounds. And that is where Jim’s Children Learning Reading program is different.

Children Learning Reading is designed to correct many misconceptions regarding developing vital reading skills in children. All the materials provided in this course are based on extensive research.

For example, many teachers of top-performing schools have tested and proved the power of phonics. I also used phonics to teach my students and kids, and they worked efficiently.

Finally, the language the authors used in the program is easy-to-understand, and you don’t need help from qualified teachers to understand and apply these methods.

Who Are The Authors? A Few Words About Jim and Elena Young

Being a teacher himself, Jim Young has strong teaching background and expertise. Jim knows the facts involved in raising a child and developing reading skills before age three.

Moreover, Jim developed this program with the help of his wife, Elena, and they both have shared their progress on how they develop reading skills in their four kids. This reading course for kids provides easy-to-follow methods and will help you develop your parenting experience.

These methods work for kids of any age, but they are mainly focused on kids between the ages of four to eight.

From their teaching experience, they know several reading methods but prefer phonics as the go-to method for learning any new language.

Many parents think phonics is the old method, and children these days learn much faster from YouTube videos. This behavior negatively affect eye health. Jim and Elena try to correct this wrong teaching method with the help of fun and exciting exercises.

To develop the material for this reading course, Jim and Elena researched extensively and concluded that phonics is the fastest and most efficient way to teach children. For this reason, the first few chapters of this course are entirely focused on the importance of phonics and how it can help your children’s academic growth.

[SPECIAL DISCOUNT] Click Here To Get Children Learning Reading From The Official Website

How Does Children Learning Reading Work?

This is a reading program for kids that is divided into two stages, containing over 50 lessons. You will get an a-z guide on teaching your kid to read efficiently. Here’s a brief overview of these stages:

Stage 1 – Foundation:

The first stage of the Children Learning Reading program contains 32 lessons. These lessons focus on showing the importance of phonics in learning different letters and the sound of letters. Moreover, this stage will introduce simple and complex words as the lessons progress.

This stage will teach children how to break the word, and blend the letter, helping them to understand the whole word. Jim has provided exciting exercises and activities at the end of every lesson to master these concepts. These activities will slowly get more complex but allow your child ample time to master these concepts before moving on to the next stage.

Stage 2 – Development:

This development stage contains 33 lessons that teach more advanced techniques.

These lessons take the skills your child learned in the first stage and polish them while helping them become efficient readers. One crucial concept your child will learn in this development stage is the concept of digraphs.

Diagraphs are basically pairs of characters that develop a single sound. For example, ‘ch’ in the beach, ‘kn’ in the knife, ‘ck’ in the block, and so on. Jim has provided stories, sentences, and rhythms to develop the concept of diagraphs. These lessons are a little more complex than the first stage, but your child can complete them as the child’s development occurs naturally.

Overall, all the lessons and exercises provided in this course are easy to follow, and you can practice them with your child as it only takes 10-15 minutes. You will see your child become a prolific reader right in front of your eyes.

Children Learning Reading works efficiently because all these methods are not based on memorizing whole words. Instead, these methods teach a child how to decode a word to pronounce it correctly.

Above all these, Jim has also provided a math workbook to help you develop vital problem-solving skills right from the early stage. Math is a crucial topic for brain development, and it will help your child to get familiar with numbers, letters, and time. These workbooks contain colorful images and diagrams that help your child develop math skills.

What Will New Moms Learn Inside Children Learning Reading?

Children Learning Reading provides efficient methods to develop your kids’ crucial reading skills. These reading skills create a strong foundation and help in academic progress.

This course is also suitable for parents that have school-going children. That is because parents can use stories, rhymes, sentences, and math exercises provided in this reading program for their children’s brain development.

Children Learning Reading provides exercises and lessons to help children decode any word and pronounce it correctly. This way, they will be aware of various concepts before school.

Pros and Cons:


  • This entire course starts slow but moves towards higher concepts. It is designed to help children of any age, especially young ones.
  • It is phonics-based program that is designed to improve eyes and hearing.
  • This reading program provides many valuable concepts and exercises that are easy to implement. All the material provided in the course is developed on the previous concept, which is the best way to learn a new skill.
  • Each lesson is kept short, and you can complete it with your child in 10 minutes. You must arrange 10 minutes a day from your busy routine to help your child develop this vital skill.
  • The course provides excellent value for its cost. The authors have kept the price low so that most parents can afford it and work with it to develop reading skills in their children.
  • This program provides a money-back guarantee so that parents can test it for 60 days, and if they see these methods are not working for them, they can get their money back without answering any questions.
  • This program provides everything you can imagine. Even within the foundation stage, your child will start reading a few sentences from the story.

Click Here To Get Children Learning Reading From Official Website


It requires some time and engagement from your side if you want this program to work. This program is not like you can put your child in front of it, and it will work. You also need to prepare yourself and teach these methods to your children.

All materials provided in this program are only available in English.

Some people may consider it a downside that they need to access the book from their phones or computer screens instead of reading from a physical book.

Does Children Learning Reading Work?

Now that you know what this program is all about and what it teaches, the question left unanswered is, “does Children Learning Reading really work?”

I am not going to lie; the success of this program depends on parents’ commitment. You will need to invest your time and efforts if you want these methods to work for your child.

Every child is different, and there is nothing wrong if your child is a slow learner. Even if your child is a slow learner, it may take a couple of more weeks or months to complete the program. Remember, success comes with commitment.

As a parent, you must spend some time understanding the concepts in the Children Learning Reading program and teach them to your child.

If you do that, you will see your child starts reading books right in front of your eyes. As a parent, you need to develop the foundation of your child, and it will help your child in school, college, and everywhere.

As per the official website, Children Learning Reading has helped over 19,000 parents globally. This program is based on phonics that will help your child to read simple words and decode complex words and pronounce them correctly.

Finally, all these lessons and exercises are fun, and they develop vital reading skills in children while they feel like they are playing a game.

How Much Does Children Learning Reading Cost?

Children Learning Reading is only available on its official website for a one-time payment of $39.

Yes, in just one payment of $39, you’ll get over 56 lessons, flashcards, videos, audios, fun games, and rhymes books to develop your child’s reading skills.

There are many reading programs for kids available on the internet. However, to ensure you get Jim’s reading program, order it from its official website.

Important: Click Here To Availability of Children Learning Reading

Moreover, you will also get a 60-day money-back guarantee to test this program without any risk or worry of losing money.

Remember, only purchases made from the official website are applicable for a money-back guarantee.

Final Few Words:

To make the Children Learning Reading program work for your child, you must follow two crucial principles: 1) stay consistent, and 2) don’t compare.

By staying consistent, I mean applying these methods regularly without missing a single day. Sometimes, you may not have enough time from your busy schedule to sit down with your child and follow these lessons for even 10 minutes. For these days, try to do a previous revision, a short story, or just a fun exercise.

And by don’t compare, I mean stop comparing your child’s progress with your friend’s child. Even if your friend’s child reads fluently and yours not, don’t freak out.

It is best to have a goal to make your child read. Make sure it will not swap away by comparing others. Your goal is NOT to make your child read before others; the goal is to introduce a new world of reading beautiful stories like His Secret Obsession and fun exercises.

So are you ready to make your child read? Click the link below to visit the official website and read some fantastic reviews of this program.

Click Here To Visit The Official Website of Children Learning Reading


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