Press Release

Car Accident: 5 Types Of Damages You Can Seek for Your Injuries

Car accidents can have severe and lasting consequences for those involved. Moreover, the injuries sustained can attract life hardships. To help mitigate these effects, you can seek compensation for your injuries through a car accident injury claim.

Before starting the legal process, you need to seek the help of an experienced attorney in handling car accident cases. is an example of a firm where you can source a good lawyer. They can guide and ensure you understand what types of damages you may be able to seek in your specific case.

Here are damages you can seek for a car accident injury.

Medical Expenses

Medical expenses are a common type of damages sought in a personal injury claim stemming from a car accident. This includes the cost of all medical treatment, such as ambulance fees, hospital bills, and rehabilitation costs.

The costs covered start from when you receive emergency treatment to when you fully recover. Sometimes, a doctor may prescribe physical therapy to help you recover from your injuries. In that case, the defendant will cover the expenses of any prescription by a doctor.

Moreover, your lawyer will consider future medical treatment in seeking damages. Therefore, you must keep track of all medical expenses and bills related to the accident and provide them to your attorney. Your lawyer will use the documentation to support your claim for damages.

Lost Wages

If you cannot work due to injuries sustained in the accident, you can seek reimbursement for the income you would have earned. Lost wages include loss of your regular income and a decline in earning capacity.

Moreover, you can get damages for loss of benefits tied to employment, such as retirement plans.

However, you must provide documentation for all pay stubs from your employer. You must also show that you could not work because of your injuries. Your attorney can help you to calculate the number of lost wages and help you to document your claim.

Pain and Suffering

Pain and suffering are a type of non-economic damages that you may seek in a personal injury claim. This can include physical pain or discomfort caused by the accident. It can also entail emotional trauma, such as anxiety, depression, or fear, that resulted from the accident.

Sometimes, loss of enjoyment of life and consortium can fall under pain and suffering.

However, pain and suffering are difficult to quantify and often determined by a jury or the court. The damages awarded for pain and suffering will vary depending on the severity of the injuries, the extent of the emotional distress, and the impact on your quality of life.

Your attorney can help you to document and understand how to present your claim compellingly.

Property Damage

It is the damage caused to your personal property due to the accident. This can be damage to your vehicle or other personal property.

Damages will entail repairs or replacement of the vehicle and any damages to the interior or personal belongings inside the car.

You should document the property damage as soon as possible after the accident. This is by taking photos, keeping records of repair bills, and keeping receipts of any rental car or other expenses. You should seek the help of an attorney in calculating the amount of property damage done.

Punitive Damages

Punitive damages are different from compensatory damages. They go beyond compensation and are awarded to the plaintiff as a means of punishment to the defendant. Punitive damages should punish the liable party and deter similar behavior in the future.

These damages, such as intentional misconduct or gross negligence, occur in rare cases.


If you get involved in a car accident, you should pursue legal options to help you recover from the losses. Car accident injury claims and other legal actions can provide compensation for damages.

However, the laws and processes for these claims vary by state and country. It is advisable to seek the help of an experienced attorney handling car accident cases. They will guide you through the entire process.