Press Release

Your Expert Pet Guide Sparkling eyes, whispers in whiskers and wagging tails: Deciphering the secrets through your pet’s body language.

As an unstated rule of nature, change is inevitable however that doesn’t mean that it’s easy, more so in the case of pet relocations. These moves, shifts and environment unfamiliarity impact how pets are feeling and usually are communicated through their body language. While pet parents usually learn ways that simplify this shift, it is always challenging to figure it out the first time around. In most cases, pets usually acclimatize to change over time, sometimes quickly, and sometimes they take a bit longer but whether you’re pet relocation to dubai, Abu Dhabi any other Emirate or even a different continent; our advice is that trust the process, practice routine and take notes on signs to look out for.

Once you’ve cracked the code of understanding what your pets are trying to communicate through their body language, you are better equipped to help them adapt to their new environment.

Without waiting any longer, let’s skip right into the most common signs to look out for in order to understand your pet’s body language better.

Understanding what’s behind all that tail-wagging 

Pet parents, this one is the most essential one – your pet’s tail can tell you a lot about their emotions, ranging from happiness to fear. You must pay attention to your pet’s tail and take notes on its position, movement, and its speed. To better explain this, a dog briskly raising and wagging its tail is a sign of happiness, while in cats, it’s a sign of distress, anger, and fear, so keep a close watch on their tails.

Remember, their eyes don’t lie

No, this is not a myth; you can get valuable information about your pet’s emotional well-being by understanding what their eyes say. Sparkling eyes show that your pet is happy and is enjoying life. Watery eyes could be a sign of distress or low energy. Wide open pupils may suggest high energy, while pinpoint pupils show that your pet may be restless. It’s important to identify, note, and stay in tune with what your pet’s eyes are expressing to understand how they’re emotionally doing.

Keep a close watch on their facial expressions

Unlike us humans, pets have limited facial expressions, but having said this, you can still extract a degree of information by observing their facial expressions and potential shifts of them. A dog with an open mouth and tongue slightly out is a sign of happiness and familiarity. It can also be a sign of excitement.

Check-in on their general health 

Always remember that some signs shown by your pet could directly correlate to its health and are usually indicated in the following way:

  • A negative shift in their usual body language and energy
  • A tucked-in posture could be a sign of pain or discomfort.
  • Unusual, secluded behaviour
  • Voice changes, which mean that the pitch of their voice gives an insight into how your pet is feeling. For example, a shrill and high-pitched voice means stress, fear, and anxiety. On the other hand, low-pitched sounds generally mean happiness and contentment.

These signs can help you identify what’s causing low energy or a change in behaviour and thereby take the next steps, or action from your end to ensure they’re better taken care of, emotionally, mentally, and physically.

Watch their body postures

Your pet’s body posture correlates directly to its emotional well-being. An easy, relaxed posture shows peace, happiness, and contentment. A tucked-in posture and limbs and ears close to the body show low energy, fear, and stress so should you spot your pet in any of these postures, especially right after a relocation, it’s critical to take the necessary measures immediately to ensure they’re aided from it.

Decoding their ears and whiskers

Ears and whiskers can give a hint of your pet’s emotional state. Observe the position of ears and whiskers relative to the body. For example, raised ears mean alertness and interest. Low-set ears or tucked-in ears show anxiety, fear, and discontentment. Raised whiskers show that your pet is interested, and flattened whiskers with tucked-in ears show fear and anxiety. Watch these closely to observe how they’re feeling, especially right after a fresh relocation, to check in on how they’re feeling.

A few other physical signs to pay attention to would include

  • Low or high breathing rate
  • Body shaking
  • Lack of sleep
  • Excessive yawning

If you spot your pet going through any of these above, we advise you to get in touch with an expert or a licensed veterinarian who would be able to assist your pet with either medication, diet, or simply tips on smoothening their transition.

Relocating pets can be an exciting venture for you and your furry friend but remember that they do require some time, assistance, and help to adjust to the new environment right after their move. You can always simplify this process by onboarding an expert pet relocation agency, or a licensed practitioner to smoothen the move. With the right guidance, practices, and advice, this process shouldn’t take much time. Also, understanding your pet’s body language well would equip you with a greater understanding of their emotions, so you can help them more efficiently. Our advice is to look out for the common signs your pet may exhibit while relocating to Dubai, Abu Dhabi or any other Emirate and just follow best practices, build a routine, and trust the process. Once you are done with the process of relocating pets, flood them with love, care, and treats, and get set to begin this brand-new pawsome journey, together! 


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