Press Release

Why Daycare is Vital for Both Children and their Parents: Three Crucial Reasons

As kids grow up, parents and caregivers start thinking about what life will be once the child starts attending school. Well, that may not happen until the child turns 5-years (or older). By that time, they’ll likely miss out on many advantages that other peers have over them – like a head start to academic life, and learning to play, work and interact with others. Programs such as the one offered by the Silver Spring, MD daycare provide these benefits, not just for the children, but also for their parents and caregivers.

What Daycare Offers

Experts agree that the earlier your child starts meeting, playing, and interacting with people, other than immediate family, the better it is for them. Daycare offers them opportunities to build many of the skills and habits they’ll need for a successful life. Here are three key benefits that daycare enrollment offers:

– Building Social and Communal Bonds

It’s understandable that parents would like to spend more time at home with their young children. But not introducing the child to a suitable daycare environment at the earliest opportunity, however, may stifle – or at least delay – the child’s social networking abilities. 

At the daycare in Silver Spring, MD, kids enjoy a host of play-based activities, many of which are group-based. Participation in these types of events is essential for young minds to build the social skills they’ll need growing up. It’ll help them better adjust in other communal situations outside of academic life too, as they must interact with peers, elders, and community residents.

– Early Exposure to Academic Life

The earlier a child experiences academic life, the better adjusted they’ll be in that environment as they progress through higher learning. Once a child enters the daycare system, they begin experiencing the competitive lifestyle that learning entails. Additionally, early interaction with an age and developmentally appropriate curriculum further helps with early discovery of their talents. Early introduction to formal learning promotes a lifelong love for learning, while also fostering the child’s cognitive abilities.

– Structure and Routine

Structure, and the embracing of a scheduled lifestyle, is important for young children. While they attend our daycare in Silver Spring, MD, young children participate in a host of structured and scheduled activities – from play time to snack and learning time. As kids get accustomed to a regular schedule of activities, they begin to enjoy the sense of knowing what’s in store for them next, and they can prepare – mentally and physically – for it. 

Once kids enter a daycare program, they’ll also start experiencing a more structured home-life routine – which is great for parents and caregivers. For instance, there’ll be time to play, eat, nap and even have regulated videogame play and TV schedules.  Kids will learn to wake up on time in the morning, and perform their pre-daycare routines with excitement.

What’s in It for Parents?

As previously stated, daycare is as beneficial for the parents and caregivers as it is for the children. The daycare in Silver Spring, MD is also about parents and home caregivers, because it provides them the peace of mind knowing their child is in a safe and nurturing environment. Many working parents love the fact that they can work knowing their children are in the care of loving, trusting and competent child care specialists.
