Press Release

6 tips to avoid a car accident

That in the Netherlands we all have to take out a policy for our four-wheeler, which you can do through car insurance comparison, everyone knows. Nevertheless, you will still prefer not to use the insurance due to a car accident. Accidents, fortunately, can often be prevented if certain precautions are taken. Below are a few good tips that could potentially prevent a car accident and even save your life.

Beware of blind spots

Adjust your mirrors as necessary to ensure that you can see all areas around your vehicle as clearly as possible. Don’t just rely on your mirrors; turn around to make sure there is no vehicle in your blind spot. Remember that trucks have large blind spots, so never assume they can see you.

Be extra careful at night

Drivers can be crazy during the day, but they can be even more unpredictable at night. In the late evening, you are more likely to encounter people under the influence, and your visibility in the dark hours is not as good as during the day. Being super alert behind the wheel is especially important at night. It is important that you make sure you have good car insurance. Comparing your car insurance online or we say in dutch ‘online je autoverzekering vergelijken is incredibly easy and can save you a lot of money.

Drive distraction-free

Whether you’re driving from London to Manchester or from Leicester to Birmingham, avoid distractions in your vehicle while behind the wheel. For example, driving and texting are definitely not acceptable! If your kids are screaming or fighting, it’s best to stop to address the situation. Avoid anything that distracts your mind from driving, even if only for a moment. Distracted driving is one of the most common causes of car accidents.

Scan the area

It is essential to keep an eye on the car in front of you, but also regularly scan the entire area in which you are driving. Just because someone is in another lane doesn’t mean they will stay there. When approaching an intersection, look in both directions before crossing to make sure someone is not running a red light. You may feel comfortable with your driving skills, but you never know who is driving near you. Always be aware of your surroundings.

Perform routine maintenance

Being familiar with your car is very important. This means sticking to a routine maintenance schedule and keeping track of dates: when you last got new brakes, changed fluids, got new tires, etc. Your car performs better when kept in good condition and is safer to drive because it is well cared for.

Avoid the fast lane

Although it seems convenient, the fast lane can become dangerous if you need to get off the highway quickly or avoid an out-of-control car. If you use the middle or right lane, it is much easier to reach your exit instead of getting stuck in the fast lane.

IPS, No PR, Wire



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