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Sherkam Reviews: Is Sherkam Spy Mini Wireless Camera Any Good?


Many activities go undetected simply because there’s nobody to give an account. A caregiver could fail in his duties but still receive pay for it. Similarly, employees continuously get rewarded for a job they never did or at least to expectation, again because we cannot monitor or place them on surveillance.

Now there’s at least one sure way you can keep a stealthy eye on every ongoing activity  in any given area without necessarily being present there. I am talking about a spy camera.

With a high-end spy camera, employees will be kept on a close watch and a cheating partner will be discovered. Thieves will also find it more difficult to have a smooth operation because their actions will no longer be discreet.

If your home security is like a fallen wall, you don’t have to waste any second in getting a revolutionary spy camera to keep you in the know.

This is why I want to give you an honest review of Sherkam, a one-of-a-kind spy camera with which area surveillance becomes a walk in the park.


Sherkam Spy Camera serves many purposes

If you want to know every single detail about any location even when you’re away, the Sherkam spy camera is what you’ve been looking for.

  • Sherkam is a 1080P spy camera that produces crisp HD footage and photos to uncover every hidden activity.
  • Wondering why you need to have Sherkam? Here are a few reasons.
  • For your home security, to keep an eagle eye on every activity that goes on in your home without getting detected
  • Monitoring of employees in the office and ensure adherence to instructions
  • To keep an eye on kids and intervene in times of danger
  • Adultery and infidelity; catch a cheating partner
  • Watch out for thieves and raise alarm to scare them away
  • Monitor caregivers and make sure their pay is commensurate with their duties


Regardless of why you have decided to buy a WiFi hidden camera, there are a countless amount of places to hide them these days.

Also, with the specialized ones, you do not even need to hide it. It is natural for a room to have a smoke detector. It does not seem random if there is a clock or pen on the counter.

WiFi hidden cameras can go pretty much anywhere anything else in your house would go. So, take advantage of this when you are thinking about purchasing them and placing them.


About Sherkam Spy Mini Wireless Camera



Sherkam is a mini spy camera

Do you get worried whenever you leave your kids at home with no adults around to look after them? Are you concerned about the state of your workplace when you leave employees to its care?

Sherkam is a revolutionary spy camera small enough to remain undetected while watching over any physical space.

You don’t have to be close by in order to use Sherkam because it sends real-time reports to your smartphone once you connect it with the camera.

Right from your smartphone, you can know exactly what’s happening anywhere this spy camera is installed at the time they are happening. The camera features a 1080P lens that produces crisp-clear HD photos and videos. Therefore, you can rest assured that you’re getting nothing less than quality.

Surveillance cameras used to cost a fortune and therefore before you catch a burglar at the attack scene, you must have to be physically present. Innovations like Sherkam have now made it possible to have cost-effective monitoring of any place of our choice.


What makes Sherkam the best spy camera?

Apart from fitting into your budget, Sherkam is designed to be a spy camera of the future thanks to its multiple benefits and ease of use.

When it comes to new technology and gadgets, a lot of people are scared of the operation because they already have it at the back of their minds that they will require adequate technical knowledge.

Sherkam is nothing like that. You don’t have to be techie in order to use this camera. In fact, from the unboxing to the installation proper, you have no business with a technician because you can do all these yourself.

The spy camera is small (1 inch broad and 0.5 cm high), making handling easy. Once you are able to connect Sherkam with your smartphone and to a power source, you can monitor every activity miles afar.

It doesn’t matter whether it’s daytime or nighttime, you can take charge of surveillance thanks to the camera’s night vision compatibility. It continues to record footage non-stop so you don’t miss any activity.




Features of Sherkam spy camera


Sherkam spy camera is a new technology that allows you discreetly monitor activities. This state-of-the-art camera is highly efficient at reproducing the events it captures which you can see live from your smartphone or tablet.

I want to let you know what makes this camera special and why it is a must-have.

  • 1080P camera lens

There’s absolutely no need to have a camera that produces poor content. Unfortunately, regular cameras have this downside because of poor resolution. You’ll typically get 720P resolution with regular cameras.

Sherkam is a high-end spy camera and one reason for that is its 1080P camera lens that produces photos and footage in HD.

  • Compact

Since it’s meant to discreetly watch over any space, the manufacturer thought it wise to make Sherkam compact. The camera is only 1 inch broad and 0.5 cm high. You can place it anywhere without anybody noticing its presence.

  • Night vision compatibility

Most cameras need a visible light source to produce images and videos. So they work only in the day but not at night. Sherkam is one of the few cameras with night vision support. The implication is that this camera will continue working when everywhere is dark. At night, the camera uses night vision through an IR-powered technology to produce images and record videos.

  • Motion sensor

Sherkam spy camera is built with an intelligent motion sensor feature. Prior to object detection, Sherkam does not record anything. But once it detects an object, it automatically starts recording 24/7. This way, Sherkam optimizes the available storage space.

  • Alarm/Notification

Following motion detection, the camera notifies your smartphone of a suspected activity by way of an alarm. The alarm is on your phone, not the camera. Quickly, you can start monitoring the activity without missing out any detail.

  • SD card

Where does Sherkam store the data it generates? The answer is an SD card. Though small, the camera has an SD card slot for an external micro SD card (not included in the package).  You can insert an SD card of 64GB capacity to continuously record events 24/7.

  • Soundless operation

There are no speakers or earpieces built into the camera. You will hear no beeps or squeaks. The whole essence is for Sherkam to remain an efficient spy, undetected and recording every activity for your viewing.

  • Smartphone support

The Sherkam technology makes using spy cameras easy. Gone are the days when one needed to retrieve the SD card before they can see the footages picked up. Now, real-time monitoring and surveillance is possible.

To watch footage as they happen, connect your smartphone or tablet to the camera. Sherkam supports both Android and iOS smartphone versions.


Sherkam Spy Camera Official Website For More Information and availability!!


What are the technical aspects of Sherkam Spy Camera?

Sherkam is a small compact camera with the dimensions:1,1 x 2,9 x 2,9 cm (0.4 x 1.1 in).

Night vision function is called into play immediately night falls. It uses IR technology to produce images and videos accessible from your smartphone.

With 1080 HD resolution of Sherkam, you can rest assured of high-quality content.

It connects to a power source rather than having an internal battery.

24/7  loop recordings

There is an app for both iOS and Android


Sherkam overwrites data when storage space if full

Sherkam has a microSD card that supports storages up to 64GB. However, the camera has a non-stop, continuous loop recording program which ensures that the camera continues recording without ever stopping.

For this to happen, Sherkam overwrites data by replacing old data with new ones when the storage is full.


How is the spy camera powered?

The Sherkam spy camera does not use batteries because the camera is small. To be able to lie discreetly at wherever it is placed, it must have a compact design.

Rather than a battery power source, Sherkam is powered directly from the wall socket. You have to connect this camera to a power socket for it to work.


Setting up the spy Camera (Sherkam reviews)



How do you use Sherkam Spy Camera to keep tabs on any area? You will be amazed at how easy it is!

To set up Sherkam Spy Camera, you only need to take few steps:


First step: Ordering the camera

You can order Sherkam from the official website after which the product will be delivered to you

Step two: Unpack Sherkam

Sherkam comes with a manual boxed up. Unbox the package to make use of this gadget.

Step three: Connect Sherkam to a power socket

Sherkam does not use any batteries so this camera works only when connected to a power socket

Step four: Connect Sherkam to your smartphone

You may watch the videos anytime, anywhere by downloading the APP, which is available for Android and iOS, and connecting your device through WiFi.

When movement is detected, an alarm will play on your mobile device.




What is the best place to hide a spy camera?

Depending on the area you want to keep tabs on, there are several places to hide a spy camera without getting detected.

  1. A) Hiding a WiFi Hidden Camera in your Bedroom

Perhaps you want to keep an eye on your nanny for your new bundle of joy of maybe you think your significant other is cheating. Whatever the reason you want to insert a WiFi nanny cam/spy camera, bedrooms are easy places to hide them away.

In a bedroom, here are some places to consider:

  • The nightstand or end table
  • On or near TVs
  • On or near computers
  • On bookshelves


You have to consider the color of the object onto which you want to place the camera. Matching colors produce the best camouflage.

  1. B) Placing a Camera in a Living Room

A living room is a place for a lot of home foot traffic. And because of this, it can be a great place to put a smoke detector hidden spy camera.

Here are some other great locations you should look at it when deciding how to hide a spy camera in your living room:

  • Inside stuffed animals
  • Mirrors
  • Lamps
  • Inside light switches
  • Inside a fake plant


Living room cameras can be everywhere bedroom cameras are as well.

  1. C) Putting a Camera in the Kitchen

The kitchen can be the hardest place to hide a camera in your house. The best way to go about it is by buying cameras that already look like kitchen products.

You can put one of the clock ones mentioned above in the kitchen. There are also ones that look like coffee mugs and regular ballpoint pens.

But make sure someone doesn’t throw that pen in the junk drawer!

Is Sherkam worth my money?

Sherkam is definitely worth your cash. Sherkam is a high-end spy camera that works 27/4 to keep an eye on any area it is installed.

The camera is a product of a company known for quality products and Sherkam is another evidence of that.

Sherkam has been tested to ascertain its claims. It is the trending spy camera in the UK and several parts of the world where it has been sold to millions of users.


How far can the spy camera see?



The distance a spy camera can see depends on several factors including:

  1. Camera Focal Length

The focal length, or the size of security camera lenses, is the NO.1 factor determining how far security cameras can see.

It is measured in mm and can be classified into fixed focal length (found in fixed lens security cameras ) and variable focal length (available among vari-focal IP cameras ).

The smaller the focal length, the wide field of view your security camera can see. Likewise, a larger focal length makes for a narrower field of view of your surveillance cameras.

  1. Camera Resolution

It would make no sense if your security cameras just see something but make out no details.

So, instead of asking how far a security camera can see (at night), it is wiser to focus on how far spy cameras can see clearly with visible details.

And that’s where the resolution of your security cameras come into play. With the price of HD security cameras becoming much affordable, you can employ the 4MP, 5MP and even 4K security camera systems for video surveillance with vivid details.

  1. Quality

The camera quality also matters when it comes to determining how far of a range retail security cameras can see, as not all surveillance cameras are created equally well even if they are tagged with the same field of view.

The top security camera brands with a large customer base, are far more reliable than those unknown camera sellers.

And you’ll learn the lesson especially when you need technical support from the camera sellers. Renowned camera brands usually offer sound after-sales service which the little-known brands fail to do so.

  1. Location

Generally, the location where you place your camera significantly influences the view range.

For the wireless spy cameras, bricks, concrete floors, walls and even outdoor large trees between the camera and the monitoring site can weaken the signal strength, thus influencing how far your spy cameras can see.


Sherkam Spy Camera Official Website For More Information and availability!!


General notes on spy cameras

If you need to keep tabs on a site from a distance, below are some feasible tips to serve your purpose:

Choose the varifocal lens security cameras which can see a larger field of view. You can zoom in to identify visible details at a distance without degrading the image quality.

Higher resolution security cameras can increase the odds to deliver usable images and videos from a distance.

If you intend to buy a wireless security camera, make sure there are few blocks between the camera and the monitoring site.

Go for the security cameras from reputable brands to avoid possible disputes and unnecessary trouble later.

Ensure that your security cameras can also see far enough with recognizable details at night.


Advantages of Sherkam Spy Camera

  • No sound, unlike wireless security cameras usual.
  • Memory card not included, supports up to 64Gb capacity.
  • Reduced dimensions that allow a perfect camouflage.
  • Smart alert to the mobile from the APP when it is activated, you can see the images live.
  • You must remember that the use of images taken without the consent of the people can only be used in criminal complaints. Follow the privacy laws of the country where you live.
  • External cable power supply that provides greater autonomy.
  • InstantNight image capture that activates when you need night vision.
  • Intelligent motion detection recording mode that activates only when there is action on camera.
  • You can also record continuously.
  • Direct image broadcast to your smartphone or tablet by connecting the APP.
  • Compatible with Android and iOS in all their updated versions.
  • 100% satisfaction guarantee, you have 14 days to return without commitment
  • Free delivery worldwide.


Disadvantages of Sherkam Spy Camera

  • Does not have a battery and therefore must be connected to a power socket
  • May be too small and can easily be misplaced
  • SD card does not come with the package. You have to buy it separately
  • There is limited supply of the product
  • Sherkam is only available on the official website


Is it Legal to Record Video with a Hidden Camera?

Generally speaking, it’s legal in many countries including the United States to record surveillance video with a hidden camera in your home without the consent of the person you’re recording.

That’s why the use of nanny cams is becoming increasingly common among parents and guardians who work outside their homes during the day.

In the UK, you are allowed to place these spy cameras at home but not in too private areas such as the bedroom or bathroom of someone else. This is considered a violation of the voyeurism legislation.

When it comes to monitoring of employees, it’s okay for employers to make use of spy recorders so long as it’s for everyone and not just directed at a particular person or group. It’s also acceptable to tap the phones and monitor computer usage. Nevertheless, the employees should be informed of the nature of the monitoring.

As a precautionary measure, before you place a hidden camera or nanny cam in your home, it’s a good idea to research the laws in your state. For an extra measure of security, you may also want to speak to an attorney about the specific ways you plan to use your camera.

Although such laws may vary among countries, states, and cities, the general rule is to use this apparatus only for protection and safety and not for any malevolent plan.

Where to buy Sherkam spy camera

Only the official website offers a Sherkam spy camera for sale. You cannot buy this from third parties.

Buying from the official website ensures you get the right product and also qualify for the discount offer.

FAQs- Sherkam Spy Camera Reviews

Does the spy camera use a battery?

No. The spy camera uses power directly from the socket

Can the spy cameras see in the dark?

Yes, the Sherkam spy camera has a night vision function to watch in a low-light or dark environment.

What is the range of a spy camera?

Night Vision Spy Camera range averages 20 M.

How long can spy cameras record?

In general, most security camera footage is kept for 30 to 90 days (1 to 3 months the most).


Bottom line- Sherkam Spy Mini Wireless Camera Reviews



Surveillance of our homes and offices is becoming increasingly important to enforce accountability, detect unscrupulous activities, and for many other purposes.

To do these discreetly, you need a high-end spy camera like Sherkam. Sherkam is a revolutionary spy camera for perfect monitoring of any area while you are away.

Discount offer ends soon. Place an order for Sherkam!


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