Press Release

3 Keys to Changing Your HOA Rules: Yes, it’s a Possibility!

Residing in a picturesque community with stringent Homeowner’s Association (HOA) regulations can sometimes resemble life in a small village with an autocratic ruler. The HOA rules are implemented to maintain the neighborhood’s immaculate condition and preserve its high status. Rather than feeling discouraged by the abundance of rules, individuals can take the initiative to modify them instead of breaking them.

HOA rules, such as maintaining a specific exterior appearance, limiting the number of cars parked on the street, and regulating pets, can be daunting at times. However, residents should remember that these rules exist for a good reason: to ensure the community’s uniformity and overall appeal. One way to address these rules is by proposing amendments or changes that can make them more flexible or accommodating for everyone’s needs.

Residents can also attend HOA meetings to voice their concerns and provide suggestions on how to improve the community’s regulations. By actively participating in these meetings, individuals can have a say in the decisions that affect their daily lives and make their community a better place to live in.

Here are 3 crucial ways you can get started!

1. Carefully Read Through all Documents!

Before any changes can be made, you will need to take into consideration what it is you are trying to change. There are three critical governing documents that HOAs have, and therefore base their rules off of:

  • Covenants
  • Conditions
  • Restrictions

All of these documents have a connection, and there may be city or state laws that overrule your association’s documents. To your advantage, understand that there is a hierarchy of your “declaration” against “rules and regulations.”

2. Do Homework to Understand your Documents!

It’s one thing to read your documents and another to understand them. In understanding what you are reading, you will have a better chance of knowing what may be easier versus what may prove to be difficult to change. There are costs and fees to updating documents. Rules and regulations can be altered by a vote of the Board of Directors but understand that the declaration and bylaws can only change with the vote of homeowners. The latter requires a large percentage to make a difference, often 2/3 or 3/4 of all homeowners.

If the rule you want to be changed falls under the latter, it can be more costly and difficult to update and therefore should be taken into consideration if it is interesting enough to the community to make the effort and cost worthwhile.

3. Speak Up & Propose Changes!

Now that you understand all the background and what entails in changing an HOA rule, you can now make a sound-of-mind decision if the change you are pushing for is worth pursuing. If it is, draft your newly proposed rule and present it to the Board of Directors. Of course, your rule should be reasonable, enforceable, and something that the association can rightfully have authority over to protect property value.

Calgary Houses for Sale Real Estate Expert Gregory Kennedy suggest, “Always explain why the change is practical for your community, as the association is a business and should be approached as thus. It can be beneficial to speak to neighbors about the subject of change to ensure you are backed, as this can also show support as the board meets with you.”

In conclusion, while strict HOA rules can be overwhelming, residents should embrace them as a means to maintain the beauty and value of their community. By proposing changes and attending meetings, individuals can help shape the regulations that govern their neighborhood and create a more welcoming and accommodating environment for all.

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